Okay, so I have to admit that I'm warming up to the idea of living in California again. It's crazy because when I left many years ago I didn't think I ever wanted to come back, and we came out of necessity for Ryan to have a job but it's turning out to be not so bad. Yes, it has its downfalls (which I won't mention because then I might realize I don't like it as much as I think I do!) but there are some perks to living here too. I was watching "Bridget's Sexiest Beaches" on the Travel Channel and she was talking with a guy in Laguna Beach who said to give California a year and you'll never leave after that. Well, on June 7th we'll have officially been here a year (for me at least, Ryan hit the year mark in January) and I'm staring to wonder if that's going to hold true for us . . .
Here are some things I'm enjoying about California:
Magic Mountain-What's there not to love about 16 roller coasters, quite a few of which are so exhilarating I feel like I'm going to die when I ride them! Tatsu is by far my favorite
I love my new hair style, and its not as expensive as you'd think it would be.
I'm sure I can think of more, but that's my list for now. We'll see how I feel after spending more time here. It's always better to look on the bright side of things, so I'm trying to find all the good things about being here!